GE Healthcare [18F]flutemetamol ******************************************** This is the data set that can be used to convert [18F]flutemetamol PET SUVr into Centiloid scale. Images were processed using SPM8 with the standard Centiloid VOIs, following the methods described by Klunk et al, (Alzheimers Dement, 2015). File contains [18F]flutemetamol, [11C]PiB, and T1 MRI images for 74 subjects: 50 Subjects with likely high Amyloid (AD, aMCI and older Healthy Controls (AD_100 - AD_149)) 24 Young (<45yrs) Healthy Controls (YHV_001 - YHV_024) Data is provided in both DICOM and NIFTI formats. [18F]flutemetamol images are from 90-110 min pi [11C]PiB images are from 50-70 minutes pi File Names and descriptions: GE_AD_C11_DICOM.7z ----------- 50-70 minute PET ([11C])PiB) data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_AD_F18_DICOM.7z ----------- 90-110 minute PET ([18F])flutemetamol) data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_AD_MRI_DICOM.7z ----------- MRI data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_YHV_C11_DICOM.7z ---------- 50-70 minute PET ([11C])PiB) data for subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE_YHV_F18_DICOM.7z ---------- 90-110 minute PET ([18F])flutemetamol) data for subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE_YHV_MRI_DICOM.7z ---------- MRI data for subjects subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE_AD_C11_NIFTI.7z ----------- 50-70 minute PET ([11C])PiB) data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_AD_F18_NIFTI.7z ----------- 90-110 minute PET ([18F])flutemetamol) data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_AD_MRI_NIFTI.7z ----------- MRI data for subjects AD_100 to AD_149 GE_YHV_C11_NIFTIM.7z --------- 50-70 minute PET ([11C])PiB) data for subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE_YHV_F18_NIFTI.7z ---------- 90-110 minute PET ([18F])flutemetamol) data for subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE_YHV_MRI_NIFTI.7z ---------- MRI data for subjects subjects YHV_001 to YHV_024 GE Healthcare [18F]flutemetamol.xlsx ----- Demographics, SUVr and Centiloid values together with Correlation graphs showing conversion calculations. (Some PET images may contain full Dynamic scans (DICOM) where available) For further information on this data set please contact Dr Chris Buckley ( or Mr Mark Battle (